Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two in One Day... Ridiculous

Okay, I know. Two posts in one day. But I just noticed something. I have 13 followers! My lucky number! I was also just thinking that I have very fond memories of all of my followers and was wondering if anyone would be uncomfortable if I did a small spotlight on each of you. (Nothing too personal. No addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, etc...) I just would like you all to meet each other since I don't think any of you is acquainted with everyone else. Comment on this blog if you're uncomfortable with that...

Now, read on, because my other post is much cooler today.


Kaylynn said...

I love things like that--what a great idea! I have fond memories of you too!

Alecia said...

You are more than welcome to talk about me, some other than myself should talk about me. I love you!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

You know, I was just thinking yesterday that I need to become a follower. Bu maybe I should hold off. I don't want to mess up your lucky number!!

Sara Lyn said...

Serene, 14 doesn't both me either. :) It just caught my attention since it was 13.