Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just had to brag. I spelled "colloquialisms" right the first time without having to check while I was transcribing earlier. Call me easily impressed, but I was feeling pretty good about my spelling. Too bad I can never remember whether it's "recieve" or "receive." (Okay, when I look at them I can tell, but when I'm typing...) I have that on auto-correct for those times when I pick the wrong one...

Speaking of colloquialisms, did I ever tell about my study of them? I decided to pull a Grimm Brothers and I had a bunch of random people tell me the same bedtime story to see how differently it would be told. Too bad for TV, a lot of cool dialectal stuff has been lost, but there's still great colloquialisms out there. (Just trying to see how many times I can use "colloquialisms" in two paragraphs. Don't mind me.) I chose "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." Two things. First, I was very surprised how many people claimed not to know the story or had very sketchy memories of it. Second, I have since recieved (dang it! RecEIved) ten teddy bears or so. What am I to do with them?!


ldsjaneite said...

"I before E..." :-) I have a few of my words that I never get right. It's because I typically spell by sight, and if it doesn't look right... Caleb and I had a "fun" time on that with the word dearth. Looks so ugly like that. I like it better as dirth.

Did I ever sing you our Girls' Camp Goldilocks "rap?" You could donate the teddy bears to a women's shelter. They often have children there. Crochet a cute sweater for them and they'll be a bit!

Great job on colloquialisms. I'll probably be self-conscious of that one for some time to come! :-)

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Pssst... what does "colloquialisms" mean?
And don't tell ANYONE that I don't know.

Bri... only she said...

Ha ha... from a fellow transcriber (did I spell that right?) VERY impressive! All I have to do in my program is put all the consonants in the right order and I still get it wrong all the time. :)

Teddy Bears make good Christmas decorations if you put a good ribbon on them. (or maybe a cheap Christmas gift?- lol)