Thursday, September 17, 2009

Becky, this is for you (and Heidi)

My great friend and cousin Becky tried desperately to expand my musical taste as a teenager. My taste was being stretched in other ways at the time and it was hard to appreciate it all. :) One of the fine singers she tried to help me appreciate was Sarah McLachlan. Becky told me that even if I didn't like Sarah now, I would eventually. I was stubbornly convinced that I never would appreciate her voice. Becky. I stand corrected. Here's my apology:

I can't say this is my favorite piece of music, but these two singers together... I never thought their voices would go together, but I very much enjoy their harmonies. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.


Serene is my name, not my life! said...

You know, growing up I was told quite a few times that I look like Sarah McLachlan.
To this day I'm still not sure how to take that. =)

Sara Lyn said...

I think she's gorgeous. (When not moving her eyebrows like crazy.) :)

ldsjaneite said...

I think I'd heard this one before, but I can't remember. But thanks for thinking of me. Ha ha! Honestly, I don't know any of her other music EXCEPT this song. There is plenty I do not like of the movie, but having seen "City of Angels," I know what this song is relating to and thus have liked it. I also saw it put to a high school mortality lesson, and have never been able to listen to it the same since.

Sara Lyn said...

"City of Angels" was roughly based on a German film that is much cooler. (Has Peter Faulk in it.) :) I think you'd recognize another of her songs. She's the one who sings "When Somebody Loved Me" in Toy Story 2. I LOVE that song. One of the few depressing things I really love. :)

ldsjaneite said...

Oh, yes--I love that one, too. I know it's odd, but I often cry when I hear it because it makes me think of my older sister. Not now of course, but when she got married--ow, that was a painful time for me.

ldsjaneite said...

Finally got to watch the video. I think she looks a bit like Jodie Foster. I think it's the eyes, smile, and face shape that could be considered as similar to Serene, but wow you're right--those eyebrows are distracting. It's almost as bad as Scary Brightman.

Sara Lyn said...

That's what Morgan said--both about looking like Jodi Foster and the scary eyebrows. But LOVE the voice.