Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spelling Bea

A fun little song, thanks to BYU's Vocal Point. Morgan and I still say they stole our idea.

We thought of a few more in addition to having some of the same as they did:

g is for gnat
k is for knight
p is for psychedelic

Can you think of any other fun ones?

Oh, and look below. There's a new post that showed up below this one.


ldsjaneite said...

That was very funny. Thank you. I enjoyed it muchly. Especially "thinking outside the Bachs." My challenge for today is to think of an R word. And woohoo--now I can use the random Q that I get when our family plays Quiddler!

Sara Lyn said...

w is for wrestle

ldsjaneite said...

I'm starting to forget which ones were used in the song, but these just came to me:

w is for wren
p is for psoriasis
g is for gnome
k is for knife
h is for honor

r.... still thinking....

Mona said...

The straight man is the the phunniest!!!!!!

Kristy Lynne said...


I really haven't found a better word than:

D Dance

Maybe that's what I should do with my life, eh?