Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Frog Chorus

Last night, Morgan and I were in bed when Mom knocked on our door. "Come listen to this frog chorus!" said Mom.

Morgan was reluctant, but I jumped out of bed and went outside. Sure enough, the frogs were making a joyful noise. I called for Morgan and he stumbled outside. Listening for a second he said, "Martha? Where are you, Martha?" pretending to be a frog.

Mom and I started to laugh at the absurdity of all that noise just to look for one little missing frog. Morgan, Mom and I came up with more and more ludicrous situations.

When Morgan and I got back in bed, we continued the game. We talked about how dangerous it was for frogs with all this rain and the chance of getting run over in the road by accident.

"So I've got good news and bad news. Well, I found Martha..."


ldsjaneite said...

Ha ha ha!!! I love it. How fun that would have been. And what funny plausible situations, too. Others tend to forget (perhaps because of my obsession over a certain stuffed turtle) that I have a bit of an interest in frogs, too. But I would rather see a Martha squished on the road than a Bob.

Kaylynn said...

When we lived in Florida, a frog got into our apartment. It scared me, so I jumped onto a chair, then it jumped up onto the chair. I couldn't get away from them. Hearing frogs would be OK!

Sara Lyn said...

We had a frog that lived right above our front door. It was BIG and albino. Very scary the first time I noticed it. :)

pcNut said...

Frogs just feel very homey to me. Miss that!

Becky said...

Frogs do remind me of home. They also remind me of high school.

Nostalgia evokes the memory of late summer and early spring--the wettest time of the year down there--when frogs insist on taking a bounce around the tarmac during the wee hours of the morning, before systematically getting themselves killed (Why do they do this? I'm not sure. Let's just chalk it up to a weak sense of self preservation.).

After awhile I couldn't take the sound of their little bodies popping on the front of my car. So on our way to seminary, Hannah and I would stick our heads out the window and yell, "Wun for yo wittle wives!"

Perversity, I know. But it does paint a quaint little picture, now doesn't it?

ldsjaneite said...

I just noticed--the picture copyright thing says "Nearly Bob." I'm sure you can see why I'm having a great laugh at that. :-)