Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcoming myself to the Blogging World

I've been talking about starting a blog for a year and a half. Here I am. Welcome, SaraLyn, to the blogging world.

I named myself "The Brambler" because I'm a Busch and I ramble a lot. Well, I thought it was funny. I decided that for my first blog I'll do one of those 25 random things about yourself things so y'all can maybe get a feel for me and my life right now.

  1. I went to Time Out for Women yesterday. LOVED it. I recommend all of you who will be near one this year to go. (
  2. I went to North Carolina this week to hang out with my brother's family. Had a wonderful time!
  3. I don't mind packing for a trip, but I hate to unpack. I still have bags all over our floor.
  4. I've had "Dancing through Life" from "Wicked" stuck in my head for the past nine days.
  5. I hate spiders more than I hate cockroaches. (But not by very much.)
  6. I can't stand the texture of laundry fresh out of the dryer.
  7. Speaking of texture, texture is more important to me than taste when it comes to food.
  8. I dated my husband for 13 days. (That's Morgan, by the way. You'll probably hear a lot about him.)
  9. I go to sleep on my left side.
  10. It takes me 17 strokes to type "ambulatory implementation management involvement" when I'm typing in Word on my computer. (I do transcriptionist work.)
  11. My handwriting became messy on purpose because I dislike people reading over my shoulder. I guess I did a good job because many people have told me my writing is illegible.
  12. I love spell-check.
  13. I take yarn to movies so I can crochet afghans. It gives my hands something to do and keeps me warm.
  14. I had literary crushes on Joe Willard, Mac Campbell, and Sherlock Holmes. (Can anyone name the books the first two are from?)
  15. My husband resembles none of those men. (Boys?)
  16. Despite playing the piano for about 24 years, I have five songs memorized on the piano. (And that's only if you count songs like "Heart and Soul" and "Chopsticks.")
  17. I can use three different kinds of keyboards.
  18. I saw an owl catch an eat a mouse three feet from where I stood on a sidewalk. (Okay, he actually ate it about 10 feet away from me, but caught it three feet away!)
  19. I believe in using "he" as an all-purpose, general third person singular pronoun. None of this he/she silliness for me. I know that's politically incorrect, but I figure since I'm a woman, I can get away with it.
  20. When I heard people talking about Madonna for the first time, I thought they were talking about my aunt.
  21. I wanted to be a library page but was once turned down from the job for being too highly educated. I was kind of annoyed about that.
  22. I drank orange juice nine parts water to one part OJ until sometime in college.
  23. I enjoy grammar classes (I think I took 16 grammar-related classes in college), but bad grammar almost never bothers me. I use it all the time myself! (It does kind of drive me crazy when people hypercorrect and say things like "He gave it to him and I." That would be "to him and me," folks.) :)
  24. I love the smell of coffee.
  25. I'm sick of writing about myself.


pcNut said...

And here I am commenting!:) Hooray for your blog! Love this:) So fun to read. So exciting:)
Love you Ra

Amy G. said...

How funny! I like the smell of coffee as well!

Debbie said...

Sara! I'm so glad you started a blog. I look forward to reading it. I think that finding a title is one of the hardest parts of starting a blog, but I really like yours. I still think about changing mine... :)

Loraine said...

Funny! So I'm guessing you like the texture in "arroz con habichuelas"...

Love ya' mama!

Mandy said...

Here's a friend's welcome too :)
Looking forward to reading your whimsies! We're coming up next weekend--I look forward to seeing you!

Mandy said...

just for the record, I'll admit I like the smell of coffee too (shocker, I know)

Marcie said...

Look at you! You already have a bunch of comments. You're so popular! I take it you weren't too tired out from your trip if you had enough time to start your blog today. :) I love reading about you. I can't wait to keep reading.

ldsjaneite said...

(My comment just disappeared. How odd. Well, sorry if 2 show up.) YAY!!!! You finally got a blog and I'm so excited to read what you put up. Another yay for #4, 13, 16 (I have such a hard time memorizing piano music!), 19, and 23. And I'm not not sure what book(s) those first 2 guys come from, but I have a guess maybe from the Betsy-Tacy series? Looking forward to your upcoming entries!

Kristy Lynne said...

Rose in Bloom: Mac Campbell. I don't know the other so it looks like I need to read more. :)

thanks for getting a blog. It really does make for interesting things like death scenes only three feet away and strange aromas in which you never taste. Love you1

Anonymous said...

You're awesome! I love your ramblings :D

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Hooray!!!! (sniff) I'm so proud!

Jamie Jo said...

You already have 11 comments on your first post? Dude, I have comment envy now! I have a feeling your blog is going to remind me of how fun it was to live with you. Good times!