Sunday, March 11, 2012


I went to Time Out for Women this weekend. It was fantastic! We had the privilege on Friday night of listening to Virginia Pearce, Sheri Dew, and Hilary Weeks - three of my favorite people to learn from! (Little tangent here. To not end that sentence in a preposition, I would have to say something like "Of all my favorite people to learn from, those are three" or "Three of my favorite people from whom to learn." Kind of ridiculous rule for English. Oh, yeah! It's not really true that you shouldn't end a sentence in a preposition! Oh, did I just start talking about grammar again? Sorry)


Hilary Weeks introduced us to Check out their story! (It really will only take you a minute to read their story, so at least do that.)

The purpose of "clicking" is to focus on positive thoughts rather than negative ones and therefore improve our positive thinking, which improves our moods, which gives the Spirit a more fertile ground to work in, etc...