Saturday, January 7, 2012

Darcy and... Jane?

In a letter to Sir William Elford (December 20, 1814), Mary Russell Mitford wrote: is impossible not to feel in every line of Pride and Prejudice, in every word of Elizabeth, the entire want of taste which could produce so pert, so worldly a heroine as the beloved of such a man as Darcy. Wickham is equally bad. Oh! they were just fit for each other, and I cannot forgive that delightful Darcy for parting them. Darcy should have married Jane. He is of all the admirable characters the best designed and the best sustained.

I find this hilarious! I've never heard anyone express a similar wish, so it rather startled me. But it very much amused me to rewrite the story quickly in my head with Darcy and Jane getting married after Elizabeth eloped with Wickham.

Then again, maybe not. I think I prefer Austen's storyline. :)


Sarah said...

I concur! Darcy and Jane is a boring story based on their personalities.

ldsjaneite said...

What a horrible scenario!