Saturday, December 31, 2011

First Finished Quilt Front

I've been dabbling in quilting for the last couple of years, but this is the first pieced quilt front I've finished so far. It was my Thanksgiving project.

It's not perfect, but I did it!

Now I just need to figure out how to put the rest of it together. :)


Debbie said...

Very nice Sara! I love the colors and Christmas decorations. So glad we could meet up this year.

Kaylynn said...

It's beautiful! It looks great just as it is.

Sarah said...

That is AWESOME! Such a beautiful collaboration of fabrics too:) Love that. Did you pick them out or were they part of a kit? I should ask again in a call someday soon. :)

p.s. I love your dainty hands at the top:) I don't think those are Morgan's anyway. :)

Sara Lyn said...

Debbie - Thank you! And it was great to see you, too! If only we lived about an hour and a half closer... :)

Kaylynn - Thank you! I pieced and repieced and repieced yet again until finally I came up with that. :)

Sarah - The fabric is from a specific line, but I pieced it all together based very loosely on a pattern. (Very loosely.) And yes, those are my hands.

Marcie said...

Wow! That's beautiful. I've always wanted to quilt. Good for you!

ldsjaneite said...

Great job!

Seth said...

Oooo. Very nice!

Kira said...

If you back with a minky fabric, you don't always have to batt it. Do you have leftover fabric? You could piece the back in big modern miss-matched blocks. Dare you do a white binding to shock the eye? I bet you would choose green. I love this line. I love the colors. I really like how you've chosen to piece it. Nice touch framing the blue in the green. I would call this delightful.

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I love the balance of colors and patterns. Don't you love the feeling of accomplishment when you finish piecing it together?