Monday, November 8, 2010

In honor of...

In honor of another part of our Saturday, I have two recordings for you. The first was actually recorded in Carnegie Hall, but is the Academy of St. Martins in the Fields or whatever it would technically be called. (I chose this recording because I love this piece.)

This second is actually recorded where I have stood. Fun for me! [Note: this is only the first part of the piece. It will have a link to the rest, but just thought I should warn.] This piece is also very beautiful.

Here are a few of my pictures. The first is of the church there kind of in the background. I'm sorry to say I didn't get a better picture.

Here's the inside. Isn't it gorgeous? The ceiling is so beautiful.

Here is the organ.

Here is the crypt underneath. Some of you have probably heard that there is a cafeteria in the crypt that you can eat at. So we did. As we sat at a table, there were inscriptions under our feet on the floor with people's names and dates, etc...


ldsjaneite said...

I think I might have lost my appetite in there!

Night's Aikata said...

*GASP* I think we ate there too! Dad thought it would be really ironic and cool to eat in a crypt :) That is so awesome! You take great pictures. I'm glad you got such a pretty one of the organ!

Sara Lyn said...

Bug - That is where you ate. I remember when your dad told us about it, so when my friend and I passed it, we decided to stop. :) Thanks for the compliment on pictures. I take so many in a rush and just hope some of them turn out! :) Morgan is much more deliberate about it, but it seems like it's been hard to take a bad picture some of these days.