Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Despite the reaction I get when people hear about my eating restrictions, it's mostly no big deal. I mean, sure there are things that I miss, but we eat a large variety of yummy foods. A veritable plethora of delectable fare as Morgan says.

However, there is one food group I sorely miss: dairy.Not milk, so much. I've never been a huge milk person (sorry Carrie!). But sour cream and cheese - particularly cream cheese.

I've tried non-dairy sour cream made out of soy. Ew. Gave me a bad headache - seems soy is not so much my thing either. (Surprise.) In desperation, I was willing to try anything. Even cashews. What's that you say? Cashews? That's what I thought, too. On Food.com, I found a recipe for a sour cream alternative made out of cashews. I modified it a bit based on what I had on hand and how adventurous I was feeling (mildly - look. I was already trying cashews.) So here is what I did:

I soaked about 3/4 cup of cashews in water for three hours or so. Then I drained off the water and put the soaked cashews into my tiny blender. I added a drip of apple cider vinegar, a splash of lemon juice, and a dash of sea salt. Then I willed my blender to have enough power. It performed! I blended the mixture for a couple of minutes and put the whole thing in the fridge while I made a really delicious Stroganoff. With trepidation, I poured the "sour cream" in.


I'm so in love.


Debbie said...

It is amazing how people come up with these ideas. I'm glad it was yummy!

Kira said...

That's funny.