Friday, April 1, 2011

April Challenge

So several of my favorite people, including the most important person in my life, were born this month. So the challenge is to, in addition to two non-fiction books, read a book on marriage. Interpret as you will, I guess.

For March reading, I didn't read nearly as much as I generally do in a month since I was so busy, but I did manage to finish the challenge!

I'll go in order of favorites and this month, I even have icons for you to see what the book covers look like!

I read "Eat the Cookie... Buy the Shoes" by Joyce Meyer, which was about getting over feeling guilty and learning to rejoice. I liked the general message, but I wasn't all that impressed with the book. Not one I would actually discourage a person from reading, but also not one I would go out of my way to recommend.

For my mystery (as March was mystery month), I read "The Big Over Easy" by Jasper Fforde. Bizarre and very British. But funny. PG-13, so if you decide to read it, don't say I didn't warn you. :) I loved how all sorts of nursery rhymes were woven through the story. And found several obscure movie quotes, twisted.

The other non-fiction book was "At Home: A Short History of Private Life" by Bill Bryson. As usual with Bill Bryson, I adored the book. It was fascinating! And horrifying! I knew things were a lot different 150 years ago, but there were some things that I hadn't quite pictured and wow! I am so grateful to live now and not then!

Other... notable... (can't think of a better word) books I read this month were "The Rogue Shop" by Michael Knudsen and the Whitney series by Judy Baer. ("The Whitney Chronicles," "The Million Dollar Dilemma," "Norah's Ark," and "The Baby Chronicles.")


Seth said...

Hey, me too, the most important person to me was born in April. Happy birthday to both.

I'm still working on January's book, but I'll catch up hopefully soon. :)

Ramona Zabriskie said...

My March mysteries were C.J. Sansom's "Dissolution" and the first Anne Perry "The Cater Street Hangman". I balanced things out with some non-crime fiction and think I'll not return to murder mysteries for a while. Too predictable ironic enough! and just not "literary" enough for me.......don't ask me to explain either of those critics! Only I know what I mean. :) Now to something fluffy before tackling Elliott.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Hey wait... I thought I was the most important person in your life!

*sigh* That husband of yours, always taking my lime-light. :D

I actually got Luke at start to Fablehaven series. He's struggling with how... not logical it is. Definitely need to get that guy to read more fiction!

Sara Lyn said...

Seth - I think all the work on your phd counts as reading a million books this year.

Mona - I'm not a big murder mystery person. But the challenge got me to read a book I've been meaning to read for years. :)

Serene - Sorry about that. My husband taking your limelight. :) I still like you anyway!

ldsjaneite said...

Fun stuff! When I'm actually at home I may try to update my March challenge. The mystery part is definitely spilling over into April. Don't you love that the marriage book challenge coincides so well with messages from Conference? :-)