Monday, January 28, 2013

For a Laugh

This made me laugh today. :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HM&SL 2013 Book Challenge

We have 12 categories this year:

Science fiction/Fantasy
Books made into movies/musicals
Travel books/books set in a country you've never been
History (can be historical fiction)
Award winners/nominees
Recommended by...
Adult fiction by an author you've never read before

1. Each book must be at least 100 pages to count.
2. The first four books in a category are worth 10 points. The rest are worth 5.
3. Any book you own is worth double points. (We're both library readers and want to whittle down our stack of unread books that we own.)
4. Any books on your goodreads "to-read" list is worth double points.

I'm excited for this year's challenge because while it's less books to read than our previous challenges, more of these categories out challenging to me. Plus, I'm trying to read at least one book I own plus one book from my to-read list in each category. Should be fun!

By the way, I reported on last year's challenge in my previous post. Check it out.

Book Challenge 2012 Recap


13 pictures books
6 children's books
13 young adult books
10 nonfiction (general) books
10 classics
5 Church books
24 adult fiction written since 2000
8 from my to-read list on Goodreads
8 books on reading/writing/language
25 "other" books

122 Total books (Recorded books anyway. I often forget to write books down before I take them back to the library. Heh, heh.)

27,486 pages read (according to Goodreads, upon which I only had 111 books recorded...)

The challenge was to read 10 books in every category. As you can see, I wasn't quite successful in each category, but more than over-compensated in others. :)

Some of my favorites from the year:

Stuck - Oliver Jeffers
It's a Book - Lane Smith (um, read yourself before you read to children)
Hate List - Jennifer Brown (MUCH better than I expected it to be)
The King's Speech - Mark Logue and Peter Conradi
My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business - Dick Van Dyke
Being George Washington - Glenn Beck (I gave this one five stars for being so inspiring!)
Madame Bovary - Flaubert
A Return to Virtue - Elaine S. Dalton
To the Rescue: A biography of Thomas S. Monson - Heidi Swinton
In the Sea There Are Crocodiles - Fabio Geda
Cool Beans - Erynn Mangum (And the two books that completed the trilogy)
The Guy I'm Not Dating - Trish Perry (made me laugh so hard)
Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader - Anne Fadiman
Tryst - Elswyth Thane (one of the weirdest books I've read, but something about it jived with me)
Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

Hope y'all had a great reading year. Do you have any to recommend?