Did I ever mention I love living here? Almost every time we are in the car together, one of the topics of conversation is how beautiful everything is.
"Look at those clouds!"
[I took those right in a row, by the way.]
"Look at the moon!"
"Look at the sunset!"
"See that osprey!"
[Unfortunately, though these bird sitings are so common that I'm rarely in the car without seeing at least one of these, we have no pictures of them...]
"See that heron!"
"See that egret!"
"See that bald eagle?!!!!" (He has yet to see one, actually.)
"See that ibis!"
And on and on and on. But my favorite time of day is when trees are silhouetted against the sky.
Mark J. Nielson, in the March 2004 Ensign, said: "We can draw three lessons from nature’s grandeur: first, God exists; second, God is powerful; and third, God loves us."