So several of my favorite people, including the most important person in my life, were born this month. So the challenge is to, in addition to two non-fiction books, read a book on marriage. Interpret as you will, I guess.
For March reading, I didn't read nearly as much as I generally do in a month since I was so busy, but I did manage to finish the challenge!
I'll go in order of favorites and this month, I even have icons for you to see what the book covers look like!
I read "Eat the Cookie... Buy the Shoes" by Joyce Meyer, which was about getting over feeling guilty and learning to rejoice. I liked the general message, but I wasn't all that impressed with the book. Not one I would actually discourage a person from reading, but also not one I would go out of my way to recommend.
For my mystery (as March was mystery month), I read "The Big Over Easy" by Jasper Fforde. Bizarre and very British. But funny. PG-13, so if you decide to read it, don't say I didn't warn you. :) I loved how all sorts of nursery rhymes were woven through the story. And found several obscure movie quotes, twisted.
The other non-fiction book was "At Home: A Short History of Private Life" by Bill Bryson. As usual with Bill Bryson, I adored the book. It was fascinating! And horrifying! I knew things were a lot different 150 years ago, but there were some things that I hadn't quite pictured and wow! I am so grateful to live now and not then!
Other... notable... (can't think of a better word) books I read this month were "The Rogue Shop" by Michael Knudsen and the Whitney series by Judy Baer. ("The Whitney Chronicles," "The Million Dollar Dilemma," "Norah's Ark," and "The Baby Chronicles.")