Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another great

I saw "White Christmas" for the first time when I was a teenager and immediately fell in love with "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep." I wanted to find the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's version because it is so beautiful, but the original movie version works, too. :)

This one is on the list to memorize. Any other great lullaby-ish songs out there that I don't know about? (Possibly my favorite type of music, by the way.)

Oh, why not? Here's another. (Hey, they're both short.)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just for a smile

I think I've posted a Vocal Point YouTube video on here before, but just so's you know, Vocal Point is an a capella group from BYU. A good friend of mine was in the group for several years. I just wanted to post one of my favorite videos. The choreography cracks me up every time.

What is your favorite Vocal Point song? (I love quite a few of them, but chose this one for today.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm not normally one for art galleries. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I could go through the entire MoA at BYU in 20 minutes if no one else was with me. I know. Shameful. But I have found an artist whose work truly speaks to my soul. His name is J. Kirk Richards. I remember the first time I saw a piece of his work. I stared at it for a long time. Please take time to peruse his website.

Some of my favorites are this, and this, and this, and this. Of course, the internet can't show them off nearly well enough. They are truly stunning in person.

The reason I mention all this is for all of you who will be near St. George this summer. He's having a show. Here's the information:

I really hope some of you can make it. Last year, I got to see one hanging in the Conference Center. I stopped by on my way to the airport, having heard it was there only the day before. It was well worth the extra trouble. If you have friends down there, let them know.


I was right! I've been saying for several years now that parents are too cautious when it comes to their children and dirt. Check out this article. Probably most of you already knew this, but I was excited to see my conjecture supported in an article!

And just for a laugh:

[Ha, ha. Did you get it? :) Okay, so I think I'm funny. Never mind.]

P.S. Just reread this. Note, I am not talking about all parents. I know there's a wide spectrum. But there does seem to be a dirt-phobia that's rather rampant these days.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Our stake is making hats for cancer patients to wear to keep their heads warm. I went looking for free hat crochet patterns and found some really cool ones. I've made four hats so far and they're CUTE! (And hopefully usable too.) :) They're really fun to make and it's very gratifying because they only take a couple of hours each. Anyway, I found a really fantastic blog all about crocheting. The girl gives super wonderful instructions and has videos to boot. Here it is.

And soon I'll post pictures of some of the hats I've made. But today is too busy.