Morgan and I read Genesis 1:27 at the beginning of this week. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he them; male and female created he them." (In Moses 2:27, we get a slight clarification: "And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them.") But the part I want to focus on in "male and female created he them."
One of the books I've been reading (in this case, rereading) this week is Dr. Laura's "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands." Now, I've heard all sorts of reactions to this book, but mine are almost completely positive. I first read the book when I was a newlywed and thought, "Well, duh. I know all this." It's been a really good experience reading the book again this week to remind and motivate myself to be a better wife. Dr. Laura brings out a very important point. Males and females are different and should act/be treated thus.
It discourages me to hear women talk of their husbands in degrading terms as happens all to often. Dr. Laura proclaims that if a woman will take responsibility and treat her husband well, like a man, he will respond like the good man he is (barring of course the exceptions of abuse, addiction and adultery). Let me encourage all wives to read/reread this book, even if you're a good wife. It won't hurt to hear man's praises sung, as well they should be. I found it inspiring and motivational even though I was thinking I was being a great wife. I found ways I could improve and make my husband happier which, in turn, makes me happier.
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